Dunkington Post; Issue #10

4 min readMay 2, 2022


Rescue Mission Accomplished

Links: Twitter | Discord


With Some of thePoodleDunks being trapped in the never ending fire at Dunk Burger, Surviving off burgers and soda, a mission to rescue as many PoodleDunks as possible was put in action. TheTradersShop was put in charge of building and training a qualified Dunk-Rescue Team with Pineapple as the RescueLead. After many grueling training seesion in Battle Royal and dwindling out those who just were not ready via the Wheel; TheTraderShop accomplished his goal and had a team put together ready to start their mission to save the PoodleDunks in the fire. With PineapplePoodleDunkBurgerPen as the lead, rushing through the flames, this well trained Rescue Team made was able to save 19 PoodleDunks and place them in warm welcoming wallets! This team was trained so well that there were 0 injuries….

“Absolutely no Dunks were harmed in the Rescue Mission of minting of unminted PoodleDunks”

PoodleDunk of the Week

We have seen so many amazing people come through our Discord Server its hard to pick out just one PoodleDunk. After taking a small break and exploring the Web3 World Onzie has returned to his home with many new experiences and storries of the world. we want to welcome this PoodleDunk back by showing our family friendly love and blowing up their twitter with PoodleDunks!
Congrats to Onzie for making PDoW!


ACMG showed off the merch DunkMerch recieved and it is amazing!!!

Poker After Dunks

We have been able to do a collab on poker with so many different NFT neighbors, either hopping over to their server and dropping a friendly DunkHello or just swinging in stealthy and claiming a some top 5 spots for the dunks. With the top 5 places of our PokerAfterDunks tourney we had the following.
1st — ACMG who gets a PhoneBooth
2nd — Dunk who is putting on the fire gear and rescuing a Dunk
3rd — Disco snagging a vault prize
4th — AlienCrytpo getting 10 extra spots on the wheel
5th — Fomocop getting 5 extra spots on the wheel

Everyone get your practice in and prep for the next PokerAfterDunks!

Tweet Tweet Tweeeeeter!

Dont forget to use your favorite dunk as your PFP and retweet the #DunkMorning and #LunchPale tweets to help us not only with engagement but with getting the name of the PoodleDunks spread!
If you feel so inclined you could also throw in a picture of a PoodleDunk, or a fun Gif with 1–3 hastags!

The Wheel was spun and this is the results, get ready for next weeks
Spin 1. unknown wallet.. random prize being shipped from prize wallet
spin 2. @TheTradersShop.eth unminnted selected (had twitter linked, but no dunk pic… no double dunking)
spin 3. @Hempify random wallet prize to be shipped
spin 4. @bpatel515 Random wallet prize to be shipped (also had twitter linked, but without a dunk pic repping on twitter… also no double dunking)

New PoodleDunks

Big shout out to all the new friendly PoodleDunks showing up in Discord. Remember to be kind and give them a big friendly hello and follow on social media!

The Artist Strikes Again!
PPAP pulled out some amazing work last week and made the tears fall from our faces like a river flowing with happy dunks as he created the first PoodleDunk Sticker that was being used immediately!




🌈 1775 PoodleDunks!🌈 SooperDunks en route to save the day! Join us for fun, games, weekly prizes, and alpha!